
  • Security Incident Report Form: Use this form to report security-related incidents such as assaults/physical harassment, burglaries/robberies/thefts, destruction of property, 火灾, inappropriate/disruptive behavior, 失踪人员, and prohibited items. This form will be viewed by 公共安全.
  • Incident Report Form: Use this form to report non-security-related incidents such as Juilliard policy violations and health-related issues. This form will be viewed by appropriate Juilliard staff.
  • Sex-Based Misconduct Report Form: Use this form to report incidents of sexual misconduct. It can be filled out anonymously. For more information about sexual misconduct prevention, response, and education, visit Juilliard’s Non-Discrimination and Title IX 页面. You must be logged out of MyJuilliard to access the form.
  • Assessment and Care Team (ACT) Referral Form: This form is seen by staff members on the ACT advisory board.
  • General Grievance Form for Students: Use this form to express a general, non-emergency grievance.
  • Ethics Point Compliance Hotline EthicsPoint Compliance Hotline is a confidential channel for employees to report or seek guidance on compliance issues. It is supported by a third party vendor and staffed by professionals.
  • Non-Discrimination and Title IX Report Form: Use this form to report incidents of discrimination, harassment, and hate/bias conduct. It can be filled out anonymously and will be directly received by the Non-Discrimination and Title IX Officer. You must be logged out of MyJuilliard to access the form.
  • Disability Accessibility Barrier Form: This form allows any member or visitor of the Juilliard community to report any campus or web accessibility barrier prohibited under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1).
Last Updated Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, 01:22PM